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Open Education Resources: OERs for CUC Gen Eds

OER Alternatives for Gen Ed Requirements at CUC

Course Name Bookstore info OER Option 1 OER Option 2 OER Option 3 OER Option 4 OER Option 5
ART-1100 Introduction to the Visual Arts   Introduction to Art - Design, Context, and Meaning History of Modern and Contemporary Art Art History I    
ART-1210 Two-Dimensional Basic Studio no required texts          
ART-1310 Three-Dimensional Basic Studio no required texts          
ART-2200 Non-Western Art   Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning A World Perspective of Art Appreciation The Bright Continent: African Art History Guide to Ancient Egyptian Art Guide to Ancient Near Eastern Art
ASL-1100 American Sign Language I   American Sign Language        
ATH-2020 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology   Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology - 2nd Edition The History of Our Tribe: Hominini The Art of Being Human: A Textbook for Cultural Anthropology    
COL-1995 Vocation and College Success   University Success Student Success Strategies for Academic Success College Success (OpenStax) University 101: Study, Strategize and Succeed
COM-1100 Speech Communication   Effective Professional Communication: A Rhetorical Approach How Arguments Work: A Guide to Writing and Analyzing Texts in College (Mills) Exploring Public Speaking: 4th Edition    
COM-2200 Introduction to Film Studies   Exploring Movie Construction and Production        
COM-2300 Interpersonal Communication   Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships Introduction to Professional Communications Professional Communications OER    
COM-2500 Global Documentary no required texts          
COM-2850 Media Literacy   Media Studies 101 Media, Society, Culture and You Understanding Media and Culture    
ECO-3300 Foundations of Economics   Principles of Economics - 2e (OpenStax) Economics – Theory Through Applications      
ENG-1100 English Composition   Writing in College: From Competence to Excellence The Word on College Reading and Writing Teaching Autoethnography: Personal Writing in the Classroom Writing for Success  
ENG-2000 Writing About Literature   Prose Fiction: An Introduction to the Semiotics of Narrative Writing, Reading, and College Success: A First-Year Composition Course for All Learners A Writer's Guide to Mindful Reading Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature  
ENG-2200 Non-Western Literature   Compact Anthology of World Literature I Compact Anthology of World Literature II      
ENG-2210 Society and Literature   English Literature: Victorians and Moderns Literature, the Humanities, and Humanity The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature    
ENG-2220 U.S. Latina/o Literature(s) not offered in spring Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Literature: Literary and Cultural Essays        
ENG-2300 Greek & Roman Mythology   Mythology Unbound: An Online Textbook for Classical Mythology Myths of the Greek and Roman Gods      
ENG-2400 African American Literature not offered in spring A Survey of American Literature from the Beginnings to 2020 Possible Library Ebooks, Internet Archive, or Project Gutenberg      

Course Name Bookstore info OER Option 1 OER Option 2 OER Option 3 OER Option 4
GEO-1100 Geography of North America not offered in spring World Regional Geography Physical Geography History and Geography for our Interconnected World Human Geography
GEO-1200 World Geography: Culture Patterns   World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization World Regional Geography Nature of Geographic Information Human Geography
GEO-1300 The Developing World not offered in spring History and Geography for our Interconnected World Physical Geography and Natural Disasters Human Geography  
GRE-4110 Greek I not offered in spring Ancient Greek I: A 21st Century Approach Elementary New Testament Greek Intermediate Biblical Greek Reader  
GRE-4120 Greek II   Greek and Latin Roots: Part II - Greek      
HEB-4101 Hebrew I not offered in spring        
HEB-4102 Hebrew II          
HIS-1110 Survey of Early Modern Europe, 1350-1815   Western Civilization Since 1648 Western Civilization: A Concise History    
HIS-1120 Survey of Modern Europe Since 1815 not offered in spring Western Civilization: A Concise History Western Civilization: A Concise History    
HIS-1200 History of the American People to 1877 not offered in spring United States History to 1877 U.S. History (OpenStax) U.S. History American History I & II
HIS-1250 History of the American People since 1877 no required texts A History of the United States (1870-Present) U.S. History (OpenStax) U.S. History American History I & II
HIS-1315 Survey of World History to 1350   World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 Survey of World History I World Civilizations I & II  
HIS-1325 Survey of the World Since 1350 not offered in spring World Civilizations I & II World History II    
HIS-2300 U.S. Women's History not offered in spring Women in Ministry and Leadership: An Anthology      
HIS-2500 African American History   African American History Slavery to Liberation: The African American Experience    
HIS-2600 Hispanic and Latino American History   Latining America: Black-Brown Passages and the Coloring of Latino/a Studies      
HUM-1995 Arts and Ideas not offered in spring        

Course Name Bookstore info OER Option 1 OER Option 2 OER Option 3 OER Option 4
IDS-1050 Intro to American Cultural Studies not offered in spring        
IDS-1100 Introduction to Global Cultural Studies not offered in spring Gendered Lives: Global Issues Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication Intercultural Communication
IDS-1200 Engaging Diversity: U.S. Perspectives not offered in spring Introduction to Diversity Studies Opening Eyes onto Inclusion and Diversity Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives in Diversity  
LAT-4110 Latin I not offered in spring Greek and Latin Roots: Part I - Latin      
LAT-4120 Latin II not offered in spring Greek and Latin Roots: Part II - Greek      
MAT-1550 Finite Mathematics   College Mathematics for Everyday Life - Second Edition A Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic    
MUS-1503 Exploration of Music not offered in spring Understanding Basic Music Theory CMUS 120 Fundamentals of Music Music 101  
MUS-2203 Survey of Western Music not offered in spring Fundamentals, Function, and Form: Theory and Analysis of Tonal Western Art Music      
MUS-2243 Music of World Cultures not offered in spring Resonances - Engaging Music in its Cultural Context Music - Its Language, History, and Culture Music in World Cultures  
MUS-2253 History of Jazz not offered in spring Make It New : Reshaping Jazz in the 21st Century The Global Politics of Jazz in the Twentieth Century : Cultural Diplomacy and "American Music" Cross-Cultural Visions in African American Modernism: From Spatial Narrative to Jazz Haiku  
NSCI-1970 Energy and Our Environment   The Environment of the Earth's Surface Elementary Earth and Space Science Methods    
NSCI-1981 Introduction to Sustainability   Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation Environmental Biology Geographic Perspectives on Sustainability and Human-Environment Systems  

Course Name Bookstore info OER Option 1 OER Option 2 OER Option 3 OER Option 4
PES-1010 Fitness and Wellness   Concepts of Fitness and Wellness Health Education Human Nutrition - 2020 Edition  
PHI-2010 Primer in Philosophy   Introduction to Philosophy: Aesthetic Theory and Practice The Originals: Classic Readings in Western Philosophy Modern Philosophy Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind
PHI-2110 Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion not offered in spring Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion      
PHI-2210 Introduction to Logic no required texts A Concise Introduction to Logic Introduction to Philosophy: Logic Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking  
POS-1100 American Government and Politics   American Government - 3e (OpenStax) Global Women's Issues: Women in the World Today - Extended version    
POS-2300 International Relations not offered in spring International Relations History of International Relations: A Non-European Perspective Global Corruption: Law, Theory & Practice  
POS-2350 Introduction to Comparative Politics not offered in spring Nationalism, Self-determination and Secession Human Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities - 2nd Edition    
PSY-2000 General Psychology   Psychology - 2e (OpenStax) Psychology: The Science of Human Potential    
PSY-2502 The Mind and The Brain   Psychology as a Biological Science Psychology, Memory, Parts of the Brain Involved with Memory Foundations of Neuroscience  
SBS-1995 People and Society (Special Topics)   Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships Gendered Lives: Global Issues Health Education Public Health Ethics: Global Cases, Practice, and Context
SOC-2010 Introduction to Sociology   Introduction to Sociology - 3e (OpenStax) Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World    
SPA-1111 Elementary Spanish I   Libro Libre - Beginning Spanish ¡Chévere! Introductory Spanish I    
SPA-1112 Elementary Spanish II   ¡Chévere! Introductory Spanish II      
SPA-2113 Intermediate Spanish I   Intermediate/Advanced Spanish Manual      
SPA-2114 Intermediate Spanish II   Intermediate/Advanced Spanish Manual      
THR-1100 Introduction to Theater   Theatrical Worlds An Introduction to Technical Theatre (Sanders) Technical Theatre Practicum  
THR-4210 Contemporary Theater          
THY-1100 The Bible   Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg History of the Lutheran version of the Bible (Internet Archive)    
THY-1210 Introduction to Christianity   Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg World Christianity: Methodological Considerations    
THY-2010 Introduction to the Old Testament   Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg      
THY-2220 Lutheran Foundations (Lutheran church work students)   Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg      
THY-3105 Introduction to the New Testament   Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg Christianity and the New Testament Elementary New Testament Greek