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Mary DePew Resource Center for Research Writing: Research Tools

Research Tools

On this page you will find items that may assist you with your research.




As a student, you have access to Microsoft Office 365. More information can be found at the following link: Microsoft Office 365 for Students



How to install Microsoft Teams on a personal device.


How to sign into a CUC Microsoft Teams Account


Microsoft Teams Help & Learning


How to schedule a Microsoft Teams Meeting Using your Student Gmail Account

It is recommended that you use Cloud recordings. Computer-generated transcription is 95-97% accurate in most cases, and you will need to review your recordings and transcriptions for accuracy.

How to access Microsoft Teams Cloud Recordings

Using audio transcription for Microsoft Teams Recordings


 It is recommended that you download files as soon as possible. You will need to keep your own recording files for your records in accordance with IRB policies.


For Microsoft Teams support please file a ticket at (located under the E-mail and Collaboration category) or email

Microsoft Teams Security Information

HIPAA Compliance Information



If you are unable to use Microsoft Teams to record your interview or are doing your interview in person you may want to use a transcription program to assist you with your interviews. This can be done by uploading the file to the transcribe option in Microsoft Word 365.

Microsoft Word 365 – How to Transcribe Audio

Qualtrics and Additional Software


The following PDF will guide you through creating your CUC Qualtrics account, and will allow you to create your survey.

How to sign up for a Qualtrics account

You will need to acquire IRB approval prior to being granted the ability to deploy a survey. Once you have your IRB approval letter, email it to requesting the ability to deploy, and we will assist you.


CougarNet does not provide training for the Qualtrics software. If you need help using Qualtrics, you can watch training videos at the Qualtrics XM Basecamp:


Reference Management & Citation Tool

Zotero is a free, open-source reference management tool designed to help researchers and students organize, cite, and share their sources efficiently. It allows users to collect research materials, generate citations in multiple formats, and collaborate with others. You can download Zotero at:

CougarNet does not provide training for Zotero.  If you need help using Zotero, please refer to their support documentation at:



While some software has been made available through Concordia University Chicago, there are some programs that are not provided. The following link will provide you with more information on how you may obtain discounts on hardware and software that may assist you in your research.

Software and Hardware Discounts for Students, Faculty, and Staff



Furthermore, there might be software for which Concordia Chicago does not offer a discount, but students may still be eligible for a discount directly from the software provider.

MAXQDA (For Quantitative and Mixed Methods Students) -



IT Helpdesk and Support

Need assistance with something? Log onto the Web Helpdesk at and search FAQs or file a support ticket to get in touch with a member of IT support staff. 


Support staff is also available by phone at 877-796-0003 or 708-209-3131 (hours follow the schedule of Klinck Memorial Library - hours found here). Tickets can be filed through the Web Helpdesk at any time.