CUC Databases for COM1100
Researchers have the ability to explore topics by category. These categories include censorship, earth and environment, global issues, health and medicine, immigration, media and communications, voting and elections, women’s issues and more.
NewsBank consolidates current and archived information from thousands of newspaper titles, as well as newswires, web editions, blogs, videos, broadcast transcripts, business journals, periodicals, government documents and other publications. Using these online resources, researchers in libraries around the world can easily explore tens of millions of current and archived news articles and obituaries in order to pinpoint information from primary sources at the local, state, regional, national and international levels. NewsBank also offers online educational resources covering all academic curricula.
Tip: Experiment with your keywords and don't type out a sentence (it's not Google)
Remember: You can request articles that are not full text!
Navigate CUC databases at anytime! If there are articles you would like but are not available in EBSCO, click on "Request this Item". Fill out the form and the library team will send the request to you via email as soon as possible. Please allow 4 days of processing time.
Look at the video below:
How to request a book in the I-Share catalog from another institution:
Boolean searching is built on a method of symbolic logic developed by George Boole, a 19th century English mathematician. Boolean searches allow you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT (known as Boolean operators) to limit, broaden, or define your search.
For example, if you type in “Hampton Road Peace Conference”, you receive few results. But if you type in "Hampton Roads" AND "conference" This allows your search results to only those documents containing the two keywords, instead of a whole phrase.
Look at the video below:
In EBSCO, a word in a search bar can be truncated (shortened) by using the asterisk (shift + 8 = *)
giving you far more search results!
For example:
If you open EBSCO and look only for articles using the word "Mexican", you will receive 151,859 results.
If you open EBSCO and look for only articles using the word "Mexic*", you will receive 504,353 results.
Look at the video below:
Citation tools are often available in many databases. Databases will create the citation for an article in the style you want. However, formatting does not always copy correctly and you may need to adjust indentations and confirm that the information requested by your instructor is included in the citation generated. It can be a real time saver. See the tutorial below: