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Humanities 1995: Home

Collection of resources for the Interdisciplinary Humanities foundation course.

Selected Concordia University Chicago Library Resources

Selected External Humanities Resources

How to Identify Primary Sources


interview / oral history / case studies/ empirical research article
poem / novel / letter / diary / memoir / autobiography
law / court case / census data / data set / photographs / speeches

What are Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Primary sources are created by people or organizations directly involved in an issue or event. Primary sources are information before it has been analyzed by scholars, students, and others.

Some examples of primary sources:

  • diaries and letters
  • academic articles presenting original scientific research
  • news reports from the time of the event
  • literature (poems, novels, plays, etc.)
  • fine art (photographs, paintings, sculpture, pottery, music, etc.)
  • official records from a government, judicial court, or company
  • oral histories
  • speeches
  • autobiographies
  • dissertations: while they are considered primary resources, they are NOT considered peer-reviewed


What are Secondary Sources


critique / anthology / scholarly article
analysis of data / biography / political commentary / analysis
textbook / literature review / essay / review

Secondary Sources

Secondary Sources

Secondary sources analyze and interpret issues and events. Secondary sources, such as scholarly articles, are typically written by experts who study a topic but are not directly involved in events themselves. Also, secondary sources are usually produced some time after an event occurs and may well contain analysis of primary sources.

Some examples of secondary sources:

  • scholarly articles that analyze, review, and/or compare past research
  • news reports or articles looking back at a historical event
  • documentaries
  • biographies
  • encyclopedias
  • textbooks 

TIP: If you are looking at peer-reviewed articles, look at the abstract to verify if is a primary or secondary source! If the title mentions the words: review, it is likely to be secondary.

Technical Services Librarian

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Mary-Carol Riehs
Klinck Memorial Library Room KL018
Concordia University Chicago
7400 August Street
River Forest IL 60305