The essay is your chance to let your personality and life experiences shine through, giving you the opportunity to stand out from other applicants. Not all scholarships require an essay; however, the scholarships that do usually have fewer applicants.
Keep these tips in mind:
1. Tailor your text for your audience or type of award.
2. Begin your essay with an attention grabber.
3. Proofread your essay.
By: Ethan Sawyer, Founder College Essay Guy
By: Brittany Mailhot for (a free scholarship search platform)
Note that not all scholarships require essays, but those that do require often have fewer applicants.
1. Tailor your essay for the audience.
2. Grab the attention of the committee.
3. Avoid negative messages.
4. Use an outline to organize your thoughts.
5. Give examples and be specific.
6. Be passionate and write about something of interest to you.
7. If you have trouble writing, answer the essay question orally and transcribe the recording.
8. Proofread out loud a printed copy of the essay (or ask a friend/instructor).